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Rob Humrickhouse

Rob Humrickhouse 150 150 Transplant Village

“Each morning it seems we are greeted with yet another headline insisting we won’t believe what “they” are doing in medicine. But we never see the “they”. Tonight, I saw…

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Colleen Pitts

Colleen Pitts 150 150 Transplant Village

“In the beginning I was scared of Transplant.  It seemed very scary to me.  I didn’t realize how I would feel the day they rolled me back to surgery for…

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Rebecca O’Marrah

Rebecca O’Marrah 150 150 Transplant Village

“About a month before my liver donation I was fortunate to attend an event hosted by Transplant Village.  At that event I was able to talk with other people that were…

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Transplant Recipient

Transplant Recipient 150 150 Transplant Village

“I received my transplant at Northwestern on June 19, 2015. The donor was my youngest stepson. I live in Pennsylvania and came to Northwestern to do the stem cell clinical…

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